The Techno Teams

Techno Chicklettes
Techno Girls
Techno Chix


The Techno Teams is looking for team sponsors and donations to help run the teams.  Finances are needed for registration fees, competition fees, hardware, software, team t shirts and more.


To contribute:


Make checks payable to:  GSHH Techno Teams


Mail to:  Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson

               Attn:  The Techno Teams / John Diehl

               20 Deveau Road

               North Salem, NY 10560


If you are interested in a more formal sponsorship please contact . 


Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson, inc is a 501 (c) (3) registered non-profit.  Your donation to our council is tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

If you would like to make a dontation to Girl Scouts:
Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson - Ways to Give